
Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Interning in Film and Television

1. The company does not own you.

2. Sometimes saying "no" is the right decision.

3. Common sense is your best friend.

4.Asking if you can observe someone's process shows a desire to learn.

5. Even if the people around you aren't using it, etiquette is key.

6. Be nice to the other interns, even though you are competing against them, in a few years you'll be getting each other work.

7. Don't be afraid to tell someone what you did, a task unnoticed is a task that never happened.

8. Remember that you are a free human being, not a slave. (Sounds stupid, but you will forget)

9. Even the most menial of tasks have the capacity to showcase your abilities if you do them well.

10. When in doubt, ears open, mouth shut.

11. If you see a serious mistake being made, don't be loud and obnoxious in pointing it out. Quietly take the person next up on the chain aside and tell them. This is called having tact. They may get the momentary glory, but guess who that person calls the next time they need someone. You.

12. You are the lowest on the food chain.

13. If someone gives you their two-cents, take it under advisement.

14. Don't "correct" anyone.

15. Charm is superficial. Deal with it.

16. Separate your "work self" from your "home self." It will help to keep you sane.

17. Someone is waiting to take your place, this is both good and bad.

18. People can tell when you're being fake.

19. Listen.

20. Never point out the inadequacies of superiors.

21. If someone is trying to mentor you, let them. Even if you have to pretend that ideas like "networking is important" are new to you.