
when i open my mouth it's like a switchblade knife coming out...

EraserHeadFan: oprah is a piece of shit
EraserHeadFan: give a homeless guy a hundred thousand dollars and see what he does? thats exploitation
EraserHeadFan: i also think fox news is the devil
Debbie: i dont think youre in the position to make that judgement
EraserHeadFan: why not?
Debbie: because youre not him
Debbie: i would kill to be exploited that way
EraserHeadFan: would you want it filmed?
3:15 AM
Debbie: dude
Debbie: i dont give a fuck
Debbie: in fact I would think that's sweet
Debbie: its 100,000 dollars
Debbie: no offense
Debbie: but if someone gives you an opportunity take it
Debbie: You would turn that down?
EraserHeadFan: no, i just wouldnt like oprah looking over my shoulder
EraserHeadFan: seein what i do with it
Debbie: Oprah says "i'm going to give you 100,000, do whatever the fuck you want with it and I'm going to document it"
EraserHeadFan: id start my business. she wouldnt like it, though
Debbie: so
Debbie: i dunno
Debbie: whatever it is
EraserHeadFan: just because id take it doesnt mean it isnt exploitative
3:20 AM
Debbie: thats not explotive baby
Debbie: pick your battles
Debbie: or a battle
Debbie: its a trade
Debbie: you get 100,000 and you have to do something for it, be documented
EraserHeadFan: how bout this. im in saint louis. the news reports a story of a family in michigan who loses a dog, put up lost flyers around their neighborhood, then a week later recieves a package on their doorstep containing thier dogs severed head. is that really newsworthy? who the hell needs to hear that?
Debbie: so you blame the news for that?
Debbie: for putting that on the air?
EraserHeadFan: why do they need to put that on the air?
EraserHeadFan: the news in this country is fucked up.
Debbie: no
Debbie: If you think it's the media youre a fucking idiot
Debbie: People demand that shit man
Debbie: Its the ignorant people in this country
EraserHeadFan: oh, i dont agree with the asshole who did it in the first place
Debbie: They cry out for those stories
EraserHeadFan: and how does that story educate, enlighten, or edify people?
Debbie: CNN puts up shit about brit spears when there is GENOCIDE in darfur!
Debbie: Why?
EraserHeadFan: i dont agree with that, either
3:25 AM
Debbie: If people wanted to hear about what's actually going on they would put it up
Debbie: Watch european news. the BBC doesn give a fuck about lost dogs or superstars
Debbie: because the british people want to know whats really going on
Debbie: our country is fat and lazy we refuse to act
EraserHeadFan: good! how come america has missed the mark?
Debbie: Because they aren't hungry
Debbie: its our culture to be sated
Debbie: But then again
Debbie: what are you doing to change it?
EraserHeadFan: hmm
Debbie: when was the last time you spoke out?
Debbie: change begins within
Debbie: Be a Catalyst
Debbie: listen i gotta go to bed
Debbie: its almost 4 am here and I've been researching most of the night putting together the business plan for my production company
3:30 AM
EraserHeadFan: okay
Debbie: art is resistance man
Debbie: action is resistance
EraserHeadFan: art is subjective, and easily ignored.
EraserHeadFan: sadly, i know
Debbie: inactivity makes you the getaway driver to a nation that robs itself of its own righteousness
Debbie: Saying art is subjective is for pussies who dont have the gall to do anything and would rather put it on the shoulders of other people
EraserHeadFan: this is a conversation for another time
Debbie: its not a conversation
Debbie: its a speech
Debbie: peace out